Militech โพสต์ กันยายน 11, 2023 แชร์ โพสต์ กันยายน 11, 2023 (แก้ไข) 📅 Event Starts : September 14, 2023. (After Server Maintenance) Players must form a team of 5 members to challenge the bosses in this dungeon. The dungeon is available for players level 115 and above, with a total of 3 difficulty levels, and the rewards are based on the difficulty level selected for the challenge. The items obtained from this dungeon can be exchanged for various items at the Doomsday Temple Store, with the main rewards being level 120 set boxes for select costumes and weapons. If you haven't reached level 120 yet, other rewards are still available for exchange. ⚒️ Dominion Armed ⚒️ When you obtain level 120 equipment, they will have different status values. The Dominion Armed system is a specific equipment upgrade system for level 120 equipment, divided into a total of 2 types: 1. The Melt system transfers status values from the same type of level 120 equipment to improve its status. Additionally, you can use Scroll of Wisdom to transfer status values, but the Scroll of Wisdom must be of the same type. 2. The Reaction system involves transferring special options from level 110 equipment to level 120 equipment. แก้ไข กันยายน 13, 2023 โดย Militech ลิงก์ไปยังความคิดเห็น แชร์ในเว็บไซต์อื่น ๆ ตัวเลือกการแชร์เพิ่มเติม...