
Demon King Gacha : The Ultimate Limited Edition Set You Shouldn't Miss






📅 Event Starts : November 30, 2023. (After Server Maintenance)
🚩 Event End : December 14, 2023


  1. The Demon King Gacha random set will appear when the character is level 70 or higher.
  2. Each draw will use Demon King Coins for 1 draw.
  3. When you draw 5 / 15 / 30 / 40 / 50 times, you can receive additional rewards at the treasure chest next to the wheel.
  4. When completing 150 draws, you will be guaranteed to receive 1 Demon Crystal immediately.
  5. If you get a Demon Crystal before completing 150 summons, your summoning accumulation will be reset immediately.


Demon Crystals will be used to exchange Demon King outfits at the Exchange Shop button.

Nyan Berry cannot be used directly in this event. Demon Coins are required for each draw. Demon Coins can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Cash Shop : Nyan Berry of the week
  • Mileage : random accumulation of all 5/15/30/40/50
  • Event : Playback Campaign (Free)
  • Event : Playback Campaign (Top Up)
  • Promotion : Demon Pack


Players will be able to receive up to 315 Demon Coins or equal to the guaranteed amount of Demon Crystals twice.


แก้ไข โดย Militech
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