Militech โพสต์ กรกฎาคม 10, 2023 แชร์ โพสต์ กรกฎาคม 10, 2023 (แก้ไข) Event Starts : July 13, 2023. (After Maintenance Activity)Event Ends : Aug 8, 2023. (11.59 PM UTC+8) Season 1 of Dimension Simulation has received a new update. You can now view additional details of the update, which are as follows. 1. At Mark of The Powerful Shop, we have the following items available for exchange: Added Chapter of Conquest Emblem: Now available for exchange at a rate of 2 emblems per week. Added various tiers of Valkyrie Feather items. Added Smeldon Cogwheel Fragments: Now available for unlimited exchange. Added Super Titanium Steel: Now available for unlimited exchange. and many more items 2. The items available for exchange at Champion Banner Shop are as follows: Added new costumes specific to each season that can be exchanged. The Champion Banner item can be obtained by participating in the Dimension Simulation event. The Costume Ticket item can be obtained from missions in the Dimension Simulation event. 3. In the Ranking Reward for all 6 ranks, the adjusted prize items are as follows: Ranking "Unmatched" has been changed to "Celestial." Added a prize of 10,000 Nyan Berry in the "Celestial" rank. Increased the amount of Cosmos Stone received in the "Celestial" rank to 5,000 (previously 4,500). Added seasonal Headgear Costume when reached the "Celestial" Rank. Added Champion Banner items to the rewards for the "Celestial, Diamond, and Platinum" ranks. 4. The adjusted prize items for Weekly Quest are as follows: Added a prize of 2,500 Nyan Berry when win the match 3 times. Added a prize of 500 Nyan Berry for participating in the quest 5 times. Increased the amount of received Cosmos Stone to 1,000 per week (previously 800). Added Champion Banner as a prize when win the match 3 times and participating 5 times. 5. The adjusted prize items for Season quests are as follows: Added a prize of 10,000 Nyan Berry when win the match 50 times. Added a prize of 10,000 Nyan Berry for participating in the quest 100 times. Increased the amount of Diamond received from various quests to a total of 1,000 (previously 300). Increased the amount of received Cosmos Stone to 5,000 per season (previously 4,400). Added Costume Ticket items to various quests, which can be used to exchange for costumes at the Champion Banner Shop. Added Chapter of Conquest and Chapter of Freedom items. Note : In each specific season, Costume Tickets can only be used to exchange for costumes of that particular season. They cannot be used to exchange for costumes from other seasons. แก้ไข กรกฎาคม 12, 2023 โดย Militech ลิงก์ไปยังความคิดเห็น แชร์ในเว็บไซต์อื่น ๆ ตัวเลือกการแชร์เพิ่มเติม...