
Interface: character status information



Character status info

- You can view your character status information.



① You can check the notorious figures and propensity status.

  • When you have low Alignment Points, you suffer a penalty to your Hunting EXP gain and there may be additional penalties when your character dies.

  • You lose Alignment Points when you kill characters of Normal or higher Alignment.

  • Recovering Alignment Points: When your Alignment Points fall below 5,000, you can recover the points by defeating monsters. However, the monsters you defeat must be within 5 levels of your character. (e.g. A Lv. 70 character can recover Alignment Points by defeating an Lv. 65 monster, but defeating an Lv. 64 monster doesn't change the Alignment Points)


Death penalty

  • If your character dies at a location that is unsafe, there may be a death penalty depending on the area.

  • Death penalties include Internal Injury (stat reduction for a period of time)/EXP Loss/Item Loss.


PK Mode

  • You can change your PK mode to Peaceful/Lawful/Hostile/Carnal.

  • Players from warring clans or Most Wanted targets can be attacked regardless of the PK mode.

  • When you join a Bicheon Siege, you enter the War state and can only attack users of the opposing side.

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