D-TROY โพสต์ มีนาคม 9, 2023 แชร์ โพสต์ มีนาคม 9, 2023 (แก้ไข) Event Starts: 10 March 2023 Event End: 17 March 2023 Complete 3 missions via event post on Facebook Mission 1 The number of Likes & Reactions reaches 1,000 - Server rewards will be given. Mission 2 The number of Share reaches 100 - Server rewards will be given. Mission 3 Tag a friend - All 30 rewards will be randomly given away. Conditions and methods of participation 1. The team will post this event on Facebook 2. Player must complete all 3 missions in order:- Like and share event post.- Comment with the message "Let's fight together" and tag 1 friend. 3. When the event ends, Freelife team will announce the list of 30 lucky winners and if mission 1 and 2 has reached the required number, team will announce master codes that can be used by all players. 4. 30 lucky winners in the mission 3 must contact to receive the rewards via Facebook Page Inbox. Note: If the player does not complete the conditions, it will be considered that the right to be a lucky winner of 30 prizes immediately. แก้ไข มีนาคม 10, 2023 โดย D-TROY ลิงก์ไปยังความคิดเห็น แชร์ในเว็บไซต์อื่น ๆ ตัวเลือกการแชร์เพิ่มเติม...